WBPS Membership

Membership of the Society is open to the following categories subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee:

Full Members: The minimum age for membership shall be sixteen and over by the 1st September in the year they apply. Members under the age of eighteen have no voting rights. All other members in either an acting or non-acting capacity shall be entitled to vote at all general meetings.

Associate Members: Persons who are able and willing to assist the Society in a supporting role may be elected to associate membership on such terms as the Executive Committee shall decide. Persons so elected are not subscribing members and are entitled to attend General Meetings of the Society but not vote.

Honorary Life Members: Persons who have performed outstanding service to the Society over a substantial number of years may have conferred upon them by the Executive Committee the distinction of Honorary Life Membership. Such persons are entitled to all privileges of full membership but relieved of liability in respect of annual subscriptions.

Junior Members: Persons under the age of sixteen may be elected to Junior Membership of the Society at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Such persons pay an annual subscription and are entitled to attend but not vote at general meetings of the Society.

Current Subscription Rates:

£25 for cast members 18 years and over

£15 for cast members under 18 years

£15 for all non cast members

£10 for associate members (no voting rights)

Contact our Secretary for more information on joining our Society